We welcome all members of the Chefs Lounge community to engage discussion and share their experiences, tips, and advice.
To ensure that everyone has a positive and productive experience, we have established the following posting rules:
Be respectful. Keep all comments and discussions constructive and respectful towards each other. Any use of abusive language, insults, or personal attacks will result in immediate removal of the post/comment and may result in a ban from the forum.
Stay on topic. Make sure your post is relevant to the forum topic and category. If you want to start a new discussion, please ensure there isn't an existing one already. Any off-topic or spamming content will be removed.
Avoid self-promotion. Self-promotion is not allowed in the forum. Any attempts to advertise or promote a business, service, or event will result in immediate removal of the post and may result in a ban from the forum.
Respect privacy. Do not share any personal information about yourself or other members, including email addresses, phone numbers or addresses.
No plagiarism. Any copied and pasted content without proper attribution will be removed. Please make sure to properly credit any sources you reference in your posts.
Be honest. Posts and comments should be factual, honest, and accurate.
No illegal activities. Any posts or discussions about illegal activities will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban from the forum.
By following these posting rules, we can maintain a positive and supportive community. Failure to comply may result in immediate removal of the post/comment and may lead to a temporary or permanent ban from the Chefs Lounge which will be solely at the discretion of the Chefs Wardrobe team. For our full policy please read the attached terms and conditions.